Beverley Green BA (Hon) MBACP

I created this page to help clients learn more about me on a personal level, after all, we're going to talk about personal matters affecting your life, and so I'd like to tell you a little about my life, my family and my interests.
Knowing a little about me helps my clients understand that I speak from a perspective of personal experience, both as a woman, wife, mother, sister-in-law, aunty, granddaughter and friend.
This is important to me because I want my clients to be comfortable with me as an individual; knowing that "I've been around the block" a few times imparts a sense of trust in my ability to help, or in other words, its not only my training that you benefit from, its my life experience.
I love my job. I love helping people through difficult times, and I would love to help you.
..."I am brave, I am strong, I am fearless, I am my own hero".