Counselling for Children

Counselling for Children
I have often been asked about support for children. The children's workshop is designed to help children who are confronted with a loss or bereavement. The idea behind this workshop is to communicate with the child and help them understand what is going on and what bereavement is about. Within the workshop we will be using craft and making it fun for the child to make a memory box that they can use to put pictures, shells or anything that reminds the child of the person who has passed away.
During bereavement, it can help a child to talk about the person who has died, whether it was a grandparent, parent, brother sister or friend. Sharing and taking about emotions and about the person is important, especially for children. If they have lost a loved one, its important to have someone with whom they can talk about that person. It could be through photos, games, memory boxes or stories.
Our Costs:
Individuals Age 10 and over: £35.00 per hour.
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